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Vaibhav Sisinty LinkedIn 5 Day Workshop Course Review

Let me start off with a few things right off the bat, this is going to be an unbiased review of Vaibhav Sisinty’s Linkedin 5 Day Workshop Course. I’m not affiliated with him or Growth School, and I have attended the workshop myself.

If you have read my Binge Marketing course review, you will know that I tell it how it is, this is going to be the raw truth! 

Too bored to read? Listen to this article by hitting the play button below

For those of you who are beginners, and are just starting off on your LinkedIn Marketing journey, I will get to the point, this course is perfect for you. For the amount, you pay (Rs.499), Vaibhav provides a ton of valuable insights and strategies on how to grow your LinkedIn profile organically. 

If you are someone who is looking for Linkedin growth hacks for your company page and not your personal profile, then this workshop is not for you. The workshop is completely focused on Linkedin strategies for your personal profile.

So now that we got that out of the way, let’s dive a bit deeper into this workshop

But Proof before I go into the actual nitty-gritty of what you will learn in this workshop 

I use to not be as active on Linkedin before the course, but just on day one itself, I saw a huge difference in my post reach and engagement. 

Below are my followers before the course and the next screenshot is 15 days after the course.  

Before the Linkedin 5 Day Workshop

15 Days Later

87 Followers in just 15 days of implementation. 

This may not seem like a huge number to a lot, however in actuality, my posts reach and engagement rate has increased tremendously. 

In fact, on the first day of the workshop itself, I got approached by Reliance Entertainment for a Freelance opportunity.

My average views on a post use to be around 150 – 200 views with roughly  3- 4 likes 

But now it’s around 900 views with a minimum of 8 – 9 engagements. This will surely increase as I continue to implement the strategies I have learned from this workshop. 

Also Read: Digital Pratik DCTOC Meta Ads Course Review

Besides this, my posts have started receiving views from top companies. A product manager from Microsoft contacted me after viewing a post of mine just 2 days into the workshop

This is the post

This is the opportunity because of the strategy I used from the Linkedin Marketing Workshop 

A representative from Microsoft reached out to me to write a case study for Microsoft Clarity, an awesome tool that gives you deep insights on behavioral analytics. 

You can read more about my article on Microsoft Clarity here

Now that we have gone through what the course can do for you. Let me get into the course syllabus and how it works. 

The workshop is divided into 5 Days and at the end of each day, you will be given an assignment. It’s best to do the assignment to see an immediate change in your LinkedIn profile 

The first day will be the Mega Webinar, this is a live webinar and Vaibhav will guide you through all 5 days of the workshop. 

I recommend NOT missing this day, but even if you do, there are videos of the topics he covers. The live video recording won’t be recorded though, so don’t miss it.  

Day 1: Find Your Objective & Target Audience 

Vaibhav Sisinty's LinkedIn workshop Day one

This module is divided into 3 subtopics 

  • Finding your TG: Lead Generation 
  • Finding your TG: Personal Branding
  • Finding your TG: Looking for a Job

Finding your TG: Lead Generation– Vaibhav teaches you how to find leads from your personal LinkedIn page. He teaches you how to narrow down your target audience by asking yourself a few important questions such as 

Who do you help?

What do you help them achieve?

How do you do it?

When you put the answers to these 3 questions together, you will get your ideal target audience for lead generation. 

For example, If you’re a digital marketing freelancer,  you may answer the question in this manner:

Who do you help?

I help start-ups and small business owners

What do you help them achieve? 

I help them get their first 1000 followers on social media

How do you do it?

By using social media marketing, content marketing, and paid advertising. 

This is your target audience statement which will help you get more leads and reach the perfect audience for you. 

Of course, this is just a brief, there is a deeper explanation on this topic, but it won’t be fair if I reveal it here. So if you want access to that, do support him and enroll in the course. 

Finding your TG: Personal Branding – If you want to build a personal brand, this module is for you. Building a brand on Linkedin is perfect for online coaches, business owners, entrepreneurs, or even if you have a job but want to stand out from the crowd as a subject matter expert in your field. 

You need to again ask yourself a few questions when starting out your brand building journey: 

  1. Who are you
  2. Who could benefit from you 

Who are you is linked to your profession and who could benefit from you are those people who you can help. By combining these two, you can identify your ideal target audience. 

Vaibhav gives you examples as well when you combine the answers to these two questions, so you will get tons of ideas if personal branding is your aim.

Finding your TG: For Job Seekers

This section is a favorite for a lot of people who are looking for jobs or a switch from their current roles. To find your target audience as a job seeker, Vaibhav asks you to answer three questions: 

  1. What do you do?
  2. Your dream companies?
  3. Who could get you an interview?

He then jumps into the specifics of each question to help you narrow down your ideal target audience if you’re a job seeker. 

All of the three target audience sections if implemented properly, will help you with the next modules of the workshop. So it is important that you pay attention and implement this module as soon as possible. 

Your assignment at the end of this module would be to identify your ideal target audience and prepare your mission statement.

Day 2: Profile Optimization 

Day two of Vaibhav's Sisinty's LinkedIn workshop profile optimization

This is one of the most valuable and exciting modules. Forty-five minutes long, packed with actionable insights. 

The profile optimization module will help you get found on LinkedIn and even get conversions. Vaibhav teaches you the importance of optimizing your Linkedin Profile,  how to improve the search appearance of your profile, how to check the insights on your profile, and which insights actually matter. 

He also teaches you how to optimize your profile for specific keywords based on your ideal target audience. You also learn how to promote your work, services, etc using your profile on Linkedin. 

To summarize, by the end of this module, you will learn how to make your LinkedIn profile searchable, clickable, and approachable

Day 3: The Connection Loop

Day three  of Vaibhav's Sisinty's LinkedIn workshop connection loop

In the connection loop module, you will learn how to clean up your LinkedIn profile, find the perfect mix of audiences, and connect with your target audience.

If this looks straightforward, it’s not the case, he teaches you the tips and strategies on how to WOW your ideal target audience and to build lasting connections with them.  

Do note, that you will need to have finished modules one and two to be able to properly implement and see results from the connection loop audience. 

Cleaning up your profile was a big eye-opener for me, so you should definitely take each section of this module seriously.

Day 4: Content Magic

Day four of Vaibhav's Sisinty's LinkedIn workshop content magic

Content Magic is the module where you learn how to create impactful content on LinkedIn that will get you tons of engagement. 

Let me show you a screenshot of the content I created after applying the strategies from the content magic module. 

Vaibhav teaches you the following:

  • Importance of content
  • Which type of content works well on Linkedin
  • How to come up with content ideas
  • What to do after you create content
  • How to create valuable comments while engaging with others (which is also a form of content creation) 
  • What type of content you should create based on your aim from LinkedIn 
  • How to create the perfect post on LinkedIn aka the syntax of the perfect post.
  • The best time to post on Linkedin and how to use hashtags 

There are a lot of other insights and tools that Vaibhav shares that will help you in the Linkedin Content creation process. 

Day 5: The Outbond Game

Day five of Viabhav's Sisinty's linkedin workshop outbond game

Yes, it’s not outbound but outbond game, as the name suggests, Vaibhav teaches you how to reach out to people, how to connect with people, how to get people to not only engage with you but also become your potential customers. 

Based on your target audience, he teaches you different strategies that will work with different backgrounds. You also get access to his frameworks that work with his high-ticket clients. 

Final Verdict – Is Vaibhav Sisinty’ Workshop Good?

My final verdict on the Vaibhav Sisinty LinkedIn 5 Day Workshop Course. Yes, the workshop is really good. Not only is it underpriced, but the value you get is also a lot!

If you’re already good at Linkedin and have tons of engagement and views already, then this workshop may just be a refresher, but if you’re a beginner, then just go for it. 

The only con about this course is that you will get tons of messages and emails from their support group to encourage you to complete the tasks, that can be a bit annoying but other than that, it’s a five-star rating from me. 

Odell Dias

Odell Dias is the founder of where Online Marketing concepts are made easy. He has over 6 years of experience in the Digital Marketing industry, helping brands and individuals alike to achieve their marketing goals. He is known as one of the best digital marketing freelancers for small-to-medium-sized businesses.

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