Hi! Thank you for stopping by. My name is Odell Dias and welcome to Rightly Digital. I am a Freelance Digital Marketer based in Mumbai with over 6 years of experience in the Online Marketing industry. My aim is to help businesses reach their potential with the help of digital marketing.

Rightly Digital is a result of my love for Online Marketing. There are many people out there who will charge you exorbitant amounts of money to teach you outdated concepts that will most likely be of very little use. I say this out of personal experience. At Rightly Digital, all your online marketing questions will be answered for Free.
No longer will you have to pay for information that is outdated and not practical. Have online marketing questions? Don’t worry, here you will learn all about online marketing through simple digestible content, whiteboard animation videos, and explainer articles.
My aim is to make sure you learn all that you need to know to achieve your marketing goals. So don’t hesitate to contact me anytime and I will make sure all your online marketing doubts are cleared.

And after all your digital marketing questions are answered and you still feel you need a professional, then I’m happy to extend my services as a digital marketing freelancer for your business.