8 SEO Tips You Can’t Afford To Ignore

SEO techniques are constantly changing. What was important 5 years ago may not be considered now.

How does one find out which techniques to incorporate and which to ignore?

Should I focus on keywords, link building, title tags, meta descriptions?

These are few questions that come to mind when thinking about SEO.


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Write for Humans, Search Engines Will Love You Eventually

As a digital marketer and a blogger, one of the most commonly asked questions that I come across is ‘How to write for Search Engines?’ or better still ‘How do I make sure I have added enough keywords to rank well on Google?’

My answer to those questions will always be the same: Write for humans and not for Search Engines!

Now I know that this might raise a lot of eyebrows, perhaps I have even committed the ultimate crime of insulting the SEO Gods, but all I ask of you is to hear me out.


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