On-Page SEO Tips for 2019

In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), change is the name of the game. And in the year 2019, whether it is on-page SEO or off-page, the story isn’t different.

To stay ahead of the curve, it’s always good to maintain a checklist of best practices to follow.

While SEO is a vast subject, today we will discuss one aspect of SEO that we have the most control on, and that is On-Page SEO.


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8 SEO Tips You Can’t Afford To Ignore

SEO techniques are constantly changing. What was important 5 years ago may not be considered now.

How does one find out which techniques to incorporate and which to ignore?

Should I focus on keywords, link building, title tags, meta descriptions?

These are few questions that come to mind when thinking about SEO.


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